
General Page Structure of HTML

General page structure   In this we see how to create a general page, how to add images to web page, links, attributes etc. Lets see links and understand Attributes......     HTML links are hyper link. Link allow to jump to a new page. link are made with an <a> tag.     Where 'a' stands for "Anchor".  eg. <a>........</a>. Attributes......     Attributes are used to give additional information .There are no of attributes in HTML wee     see some of them. href  ( Hypertext Referance) : -      Syntax=<element="attribute name//value">    src :-   src content include where the image is stored. An image can be loaded from. alt :-   When we add the location of image using <img>tag then we must add a discription of the                  image with in another attribute i.e.'alt'. title :- The title of the  im...


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language  for creating web page. And for decover the page CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and  Scripting language are used.  HTML is not a Programming Language so it dosen't  requrie any Programming knowledge. There are diffrent types or verisions of HTML.... HTML+ HTML 1.0 HTML 2.0 HTML 3.2 HTML 4.01  ( IT has acessibility of CSS and Multimedia) HTML 5.0     (IT has acessibility of local storage and offline database) Now we see the information about the latest version of HTML 5..... Its file name extension is .html or .htm Internet media type - text/html Type code - TEXT Type of format - Document file format Markup Why HTML is called Markup Language ? Hypertext means machine readable text and markup means to structure it in a specific  format so HTML is kmown as hypertext markup langugae . HTML markup consist of several key components, including those called tags, character-bas...